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Privacy Policy


Welcome to (the "Website"). The website is degined and controlled by GRPS Corporate Private Limited.

This privacy policy is legally binding agreement between you and Kingmart (as defined below).

The terms of this privacy policy apply when you accept them (by clicking on the "I accept" button or by using the Website or in any other way) and they explain how you and Kingmart will interact when you use the website (as explained below).

This document follows the rules of the information technology (how to protect and handle sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011 under Information Technology Act, 2000: These rules say that we have to publish this privacy policy to tell you how we collect, use, store and share your sensitive personal data or information. Please read this privacy policy carefully. By using the website, you show that you understand, agree and accept this privacy policy. If you don't agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please don't use this website. You give your full consent or agreement to Kingmart as stated in section 43A and section 72A of Information Technology Act, 2000.

By giving us your information or by using the services offered by the Website, you agree to let Kingmart collect, store, process and transfer all or some of your personal and non-personal information as stated in this privacy policy. You also agree that doing this will not cause any harm or unfair benefit to you or anyone else. and its related companies (together, "Kingmart") care about the privacy of the information and data of users (including sellers and buyers, whether they are registered or not) who use, offer, sell or buy products or services on Kingmart's websites, mobile websites or mobile apps on the Website or who do business with Kingmart in any other way. "Related companies" here means the same thing as in Companies Act, 2013.

The words "We" / "Us" / "Our" mean each company that is part of Kingmart and the words "You" / "Your" / "Yourself" mean the users.

This privacy policy is a contract between you and the Kingmart company whose Website you use or deal with. This privacy policy should be read along with the terms of use or other terms and conditions of that Kingmart company and its Website or type of business.

Ø Kingmart has made this privacy policy to tell you about:

- The kind of information or data that you share with Kingmart or that Kingmart gets from you.

- The reason for getting such information or data from you.

- How Kingmart protects and uses your data.

- How Kingmart shares or moves your data with other parties. This privacy policy may change from time to time. When we change the privacy policy, we will also change the date above. We suggest that you check this privacy policy often to know about any changes. If you keep using the Website or giving us your data after the changes, it means that you agree with the new privacy policy.

Ø What data we collect and how we store it.

The "Info" (which also means data) that you give to or that we get from you may be "personal information" or "non-personal information".

Ø Personal Information

Personal information is information that can be used to find out who you are or how to contact you. Personal information for this privacy policy may include, but is not limited to:

- Your user name and your password,

- Your name,

- Your address,

- Your phone number,

- Your email address or other contact details,

- Your birth date,

- Your gender,

- Information about what you do on the Website, (like buying or selling things),

- Your money information such as bank account details or credit card or debit card or other payment details,

- Internet address,

- Any other things that are called 'sensitive personal data or information' as defined by the Information Technology (How to protect and handle sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011 under Information Technology Act, 2000.

- Identification code of the device that you use to go to the Website or to deal with any Kingmart company.

- Any other information that you give when you sign up, if any, on the Website. We may collect personal information in different ways such as when you:

- Sign up as a customer on the Website,

- Sign up as a seller on the Website,

- Use some services on the Website. These include but are not limited to making an offer to sell, buying online, joining any online survey or contest, talking to Kingmart's customer service by phone, mail or other ways or writing reviews on the services or things on the Website, or

- Do business on the Website or deal with any Kingmart company in any other way. We may also get personal information about you from other sources, such as social media services, available sources and business partners. If you go to the Website through a social media service or connect a service on the Website to a social media service, the information we get may include your user name for that social media service, any information or content that the social media service can share with us, such as your profile picture, email address or friends list, and any information that you have made public on that social media service. When you go to the Website or deal with any Kingmart company through social media services or when you connect any Website to social media services, you are letting Kingmart collect, store, and use and keep such information and content according to this privacy policy.

Ø Non-Personal Information

Kingmart may also get information that is not personal information from you through the Website when you use it. Such information may be kept in server logs. This non-personal information does not help Kingmart to know who you are.

§  This Non-Personal Information May Include

       Your location,

        information about your phone or internet service,

§  The type of browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome etc.),

§  The system or device you use and the Website you went to before coming to the Website,

§   How long you stay on the Website and the date and time you come, Non-personal information is collected in different ways such as by using cookies. Kingmart may put temporary or permanent 'cookies' on your computer. You can delete or block these cookies from your computer. You can set your computer's browser to tell you when we try to send you a cookie and let you choose to accept or refuse the cookie. If you have turned cookies off, you may not be able to use some parts of the Website.

Advertisements: Kingmart may use other companies to show ads for Kingmart on the web and on the Website. They may get non-personal information about your visits to the Website and how you use our products and services on the Website. Please remember that personal information and non-personal information may be handled differently according to this privacy policy.

Ø You promise to Kingmart that:

§The information you give to Kingmart from time to time is and will be true, correct, current and updated and you have all the rights, permissions and consents to give such information to Kingmart.

§The information you give to Kingmart and Kingmart's use, storage, collection, transfer, access or processing of it will not break any third party agreement, laws, rules, judgments, orders and decisions.

§  Kingmart and each of Kingmart's officers, managers, workers or agents will not be responsible for the truth of the information that you or any other user give to Kingmart. You will protect and not blame Kingmart and each of Kingmart's officers, managers, workers or agents and any third party that uses the information you give if you break this privacy policy and the terms above.

§  Your information will mostly be kept in electronic form but some data may also be kept in physical form. We may store, collect, process and use your data in countries other than India but following the laws there. We may make agreements with third parties (in or outside of India) to store or process your information or data. These third parties may have their own ways to protect your information or data and we will ask them to use good ways to protect your information or data.

§  Reason for collecting, using, storing and processing your information Kingmart collects, uses, stores and processes your information for any reason that is allowed by the laws (including where the laws say that we can do so with your permission) related to a purpose or activity of each Kingmart company and these include:

- To help you use the Website or other services of Kingmart companies.

- To answer your questions or give you information about the different products and services on the Website.

- To give you information about products and services on the Website and to send you information, materials and offers from Kingmart.

- To send you important information about the Website, changes in terms and conditions, user agreements and policies and/or other information.

- To send you surveys, marketing messages that Kingmart thinks you may like.

- To make your experience on the Website better by showing you ads, products and offers that you may like.

- To help you solve your problems on the Website including fixing any technical issues.

- If you buy any product or use any service from the Website, to complete and fulfill your purchase, for example, to process your payments, talk to you about your purchase and give you customer service.

- For good management and control of the Website.

- To do internal checks and data analysis for the Website (for example, to find out how many people visit certain pages on the Website).

- To improve the services, content and ads on the Website.

- To give you extra services such as Single Sign On. Single Sign On means a way to check who you are that lets you enter your name or mobile number or email address or any combination of them and password to go to many websites and apps.

- To help different programs and projects started by Kingmart or other companies and business partners.

- To see how our services are used, to check how good our ads are, to help with payments.

- To do learning research and surveys.

- To keep the Website safe and honest.

- To answer to legal authorities, courts, law enforcement agencies or investigations about public safety, as allowed by law.

- To do research on different things like customer behavior, user likes etc.

- To let third parties who may want to contact users who have bought products from the Website to help with installation, service and other product support.

- To use data protection practices.

- To find out any security problems, computer infection or computer virus.

- To find out, stop, or act on illegal activities and possible fraud.

- To examine the computer or device involved as part of investigation or internal audit.

- To track computer or device or anyone who may have broken, or is suspected of breaking or likely to break, any law including the Information Technology Act, 2000 that may have a bad effect on the services on any Website or by Kingmart.

- To let a possible buyer or investor to look at the business of Kingmart (as more explained in paragraph 8 of the Privacy Policy). [Together called ("Purposes")] You agree and accept that the information that is collected is for legal reason related to a purpose or activity of each of the Kingmart companies or anyone on their behalf, and the collection of information is needed for the Purposes.

Ø Sharing and telling your information

You agree and allow that Kingmart may move, share, tell or give all or any of your information, inside and outside of India to different Kingmart companies and to third party service providers / partners / banks and money institutions for one or more of the Purposes or as may be also needed by law. In such case we will make the receiving parties of the information to ensure the same level of data protection that is followed by Kingmart under law.

You know and agree that, as much as allowed by law, it is enough that when Kingmart moves your information to another company inside or outside your country, Kingmart will make the company to follow the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Kingmart may share information and other details (not your personal information) without your clear or implied permission to help many programs or projects started by Kingmart, its partners, agents, other service providers, partners or banks and money institutions, sometimes. We may move/tell/share information (not your personal information) to those parties who help our business, such as giving technical services, seeing how our services are used, checking how good our ads are, giving customer / buyer services, helping with payments, or doing learning research and surveys. These partners and other service providers will keep your information secret as per this privacy policy. Besides the above, we use other parties like a credit/debit card company, payment service, pre-paid cards etc. to let you pay for buying products or using services on Kingmart. When you sign up for these services, you may be able to save your card details for later use and faster payments. In such case, we may share your personal information that is needed for the other parties to give such services, including your name, address and email address. The payments or approval is only as per these other party’s policies, terms and conditions and we are not responsible or answerable to you or any other party for any delay or failure by them in processing the payments.

Kingmart may also share personal information if Kingmart thinks it is needed to find out, stop, or act on illegal activities, possible fraud and situations that may harm anyone, breaking different terms and conditions or our policies.

We have the right to tell your information when we have to do so by law or rule, or under any legal duty or order under law or in response to a request from a law or government agency or court or any other legal authority or to use or protect our legal rights or fight against legal claims.

You also agree that such telling, sharing and moving of your personal information and non-personal information will not cause any wrong loss to you or to any other party, or any wrong benefit to us or to any other party.

Ø Links to other websites

Links to other ads, other websites or any other digital services may be given on the Website that are run by other parties and are not run by, or connected to, or related to, Kingmart unless clearly said on the Website.

Kingmart is not responsible for any kind of message, whatever, that you get from any other website. So, Kingmart does not say anything about the privacy ways or policies of such other parties or terms of use of such other websites, nor does Kingmart control or make sure the truth, quality, or goodness of the information, data, text, software, music, sound, pictures, graphics, videos, messages or other things on such other websites. The adding or removing does not mean any support by Kingmart of the other websites, the website's provider, or the information on the website. The information that you give to such other websites will be as per the privacy policies of such other websites and it is suggested that you check the privacy policy of such other websites before using such websites.

Ø Security & Keeping

Your personal info is important to us. Kingmart tries to keep your personal information safe and to protect your personal information from anyone who tries to change, tell or destroy it without permission. For this, Kingmart checks how we collect, store and use data and how we keep it safe, including using codes and locks to stop anyone from getting to the systems where Kingmart keeps your personal information. Each of the Kingmart company will follow good security ways and rules as needed by the laws to protect your information. But your right to ask for money for any harm will be limited to the right to ask for only legal money under Information Technology Act, 2000 and you agree to not blame any Kingmart company for any harm under contract or under wrong.

If you choose a payment service to pay for anything on Website then your credit card data may be kept as per industry standards/ suggested data security standard for keeping money information safe such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).

Kingmart may tell your information to third parties under a secret agreement which says that such third parties will not tell the information more unless such telling is for the Purpose. But, Kingmart is not responsible for any breaking of security or for any actions of any third parties that get your personal information. Kingmart is not answerable for any loss or hurt caused to you because of you giving your personal information to third party (including any third party websites, even if links to such third party websites are given on the Website).

No matter what is said in this Policy or anywhere else, Kingmart will not be responsible for any loss, damage or wrong use of your personal information, if such loss, damage or wrong use is because of a Force Majeure Event (as explained below).

A Force Majeure Event means any event that is beyond Kingmart's reasonable control and may include, without limit, damage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, trouble, strikes or work stoppage of any kind, fights, rebellion, war, acts of government, computer hacking, getting into computer, computer system or computer network without permission, computer crashes, breaking of security and codes (provided beyond Kingmart's reasonable control), power or electricity failure or not enough power or electricity.


While we will try to take all reasonable and good steps to keep any personal information that we have about you safe and stop anyone from getting it without permission, you accept that the internet or computer networks are not fully safe and that we cannot give any sure promise about the security of your personal information.

You agree that all personal information will be kept until it is needed for the Purpose or needed under law, whichever is later. Non-personal information will be kept forever.

Ø Your choice and opt out

You agree and accept that you are giving your information by your own choice. You have a choice not to give or let Kingmart get your personal information or later take back your permission for such personal information that you gave here by sending an email to the grievance officer or such other email address of the Kingmart company that we tell you. In such case, you should not go to any Website or use any services by Kingmart companies or contact any Kingmart companies. Also, Kingmart may not send products to you, when you order, or Kingmart may stop you from using some services on the Website.

You can change or update your personal information regularly. Please note that Kingmart will keep your old personal information in its records.

Ø Grievance Officer

If you find any mistakes or have any complaints about how we collect, store, use, tell and move your personal information under this privacy policy or any terms of Kingmarts Terms of Use, Term of Sale and other terms and conditions or policies of any Kingmart company, please contact the following:


Mr. Sanjay Kumar Yadav, The chosen grievance officer under Information Technology Act, 2000 E-mail:

The details of the grievance officer may be changed by us sometimes by changing this Privacy Policy.


Ø Business / Assets Sale or Moves

Kingmart may sell, move or share some or all of its things, including your information when there is a merger, buying, reorganizing or selling of things or business or when there is bankruptcy. If such a sale or move happens, such Kingmart company will try to make sure that the information you gave and which we got is stored and used by the new owner in a way that is same as this Privacy Policy. Any third party to which any Kingmart company moves or sells as said will have the right to keep using the information that you give to us or got by us right before such move or sale.


Ø More Things You Agree To

You agree and accept that this Privacy Policy:

- Is easy to find and understand and tells you about Kingmart policies and ways with the Information.

- Tells you about the different kinds of personal or sensitive personal information that will be collected.

- Tells you about the reasons for collecting and using the Information.

- Tells you about how the Information will be told to others.

-  Tells you about how the Information will be kept safe.


This privacy policy is an electronic document that is like an electronic agreement made under the information technology act, 2000 and the rules that follow it and the changed parts about electronic documents/records in different laws that are changed by the information technology act 2000. This privacy policy does not need any physical, electronic or digital sign.

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